
Technology to Make Brands Smarter.

  • App Development
  • Business Solutions
  • Chat Bots
  • Conversation Design
  • VR / AR
  • Voice / AI
  • Website Development

The internet and technology that allows us to connect to it have become the interfaces through which we interact with people in the digital world. From voice-powered artificial intelligence and virtual reality to machine learning technology, MESH is leveraging these powerful interfaces to help you bring the power of technology to your business.

Woman wearing a VR headset

Smarter Customer Interactions

Sure, we’re an advertising agency. But we’re so much more than that. We’re a technology company too, and for brands that means innovating and improving the way customers interact with them. We’re pioneering the emerging relationship between customers, brands and artificial intelligence. From simple voice commands for cooking timers to navigation directions to your storefront, Voice technology will change the way customers do everything. Rather than play catch-up, it’s our goal to position brands at the forefront of the AI revolution. Meaningful customer interaction is at the heart of every successful business, and with Voice-technology powered by artificial intelligence, MESH is creating branded AI technology to empower and transform more businesses and brands. Not only does it mean more engagement, but more opportunities for business growth in both the real and digital worlds.

Technology Work