Two mesh coworkers standing side by side and looking at creative work by MESH

Creative Marketing

Creative Marketing Matters

Creative marketing that’s truly creative is a powerful and impactful force for any brand. While everyone is jostling for the same market share, creative work is what sets your brand apart in the marketplace and moves the needle for your business.

Your Creative Marketing Partner

At MESH, we understand the importance of high-quality creative work. By working with you to understand every inch of your business, we’ll create a unique and tailored creative approach that helps you stand out and sets the tone for your brand and business goals. From Baton Rouge to Atlanta and beyond, our talented team of creative professionals has built compelling, creative work for brands across the South.

Four MESH employees gathered in the conference room. One is standing up and turned to talk to another employee who is sitting at the conference table.

Our Creative Services

Integrated Campaigns

Integrated marketing campaigns lie at the intersection of creativity and strategy. Backed by our strategic approach, we create dynamic and impactful creative integrated campaigns that drive real results and elevate your brand by creating consistency at every touchpoint.

By partnering closely together, we craft strategies that align with your business goals and ensure your brand stands out in the crowded marketplace. Our data-driven approach informs our strategic decisions and allows us to continually adapt creative marketing in real time to further optimize your integrated campaign.

Brand Development

Your brand is so much more than a logo. That’s why we look beyond the design to create a cohesive brand story. Your objectives, values, mission, voice and style—all of it informs the approach we take in crafting a brand that is tailored to you and unlike anything else in your specific category. This is how we ensure that it resonates with your audience and makes a real impact.

Content Creation

In the age we live in, content is king. By focusing on creating compelling content that engages and inspires audiences, we’re able to help your brand make a lasting impression.

All content we create is anchored in your brand and focused on achieving your specific goals and vision. Consistent, quality content not only helps build your brand’s story, but it drives real growth by building affinity with audiences that can’t get enough.

Mockup of 3 LWCC print ads with photo illustrations of work and culture images.

The Creative Process

Step 1Consultation

By diving deep to understand your vision, brand, and audience, we gain insight into how best we can leverage creative marketing tactics to achieve your goals. By aligning on these things early, we’re able to inform the creative work we do to better answer critical business challenges.

Step 2Creative Development

Once we have a clear understanding of your brand, our creative team gets to work. We’ll craft a unique and complete creative strategy that is informed by data to ensure that every decision we make will make a difference.

Step 3Implementation & Optimization

Once the work makes its way out into the world, we continually monitor performance and make real-time adjustments to optimize results.

Ready to Build Brand Velocity? Let’s Talk!

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level and witness the power of true creative marketing, it’s time to talk.

Work Examples