Web Design & Development

Designing & Developing a Better Web

In today’s digital age, a compelling online presence is essential for any business looking to succeed. At MESH, we specialize in creating stunning, user-friendly websites that captivate your audience and drive results. Based in Baton Rouge, our web design services are tailored to meet the unique needs of local businesses, ensuring that you stand out in a competitive market.

Web Developer working on a website with HTML on the screen

Web Design Services

Our team of skilled designers and developers works collaboratively to create websites that are not only beautiful but also functional. From the initial design concept to the final launch, we ensure that every aspect of your website is perfectly crafted.

We understand the importance of a responsive and mobile-friendly design, ensuring that your website looks great on any device. Our team also focuses on optimizing your site for search engines, helping you reach a wider audience and improve your online visibility. With MESH, you can trust that your website will not only look amazing but also drive traffic and convert visitors into customers.

  • Custom Website Design
  • Responsive Websites
  • Accessibility & ADA Compliance
  • E-Commerce Solutions
  • WordPress Development
  • Search Engine Optimization

Why Choose MESH as Your Web Design Company?

At MESH, we understand that your website is more than just a digital brochure; it’s a powerful tool that can help you achieve your business goals. Our team of experienced designers and developers is dedicated to delivering high-quality web solutions that are customized to your specific needs.

Local & National Expertise

We have a deep understanding of the Baton Rouge market as well as worked with countless national brands to tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your business. Our local expertise ensures that your website resonates with your target audience and stands out in the local market.

Custom Front-End Development

Our custom web development services focus on accessibility, compatibility, and speed. We ensure that your website is not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. This includes optimizing your website for different devices and browsers, ensuring fast load times, and making it accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

SEO-Friendly Web Design

We build websites with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, helping you rank higher in search engine results and attract more organic traffic. Our SEO strategies include keyword research, on-page optimization, and creating high-quality content that appeals to both users and search engines.

User-Centric Approach

Our design philosophy centers around the user experience. We create web pages that are easy to navigate on desktop and mobile devices, visually engaging, and designed to convert visitors into customers. Our goal is to provide a seamless user interface that keeps visitors coming back.

Platform Agnostic But WordPress Strong

At MESH, we consider ourselves WordPress experts while remaining platform agnostic. This flexibility allows us to tailor our solutions to meet the specific needs and preferences of our clients. We are adept at working with various content management systems (CMS) beyond WordPress, including Squarespace, Webflow, Craft, and many others.

SEO & Content Marketing

A well-designed website is just the beginning. To truly succeed online, you need a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. At MESH, we offer a range of SEO and digital marketing services to help you reach your goals.

Employees working on their computers

Our Web Design Process

At MESH, we follow a proven process to deliver high-quality website design and web development solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Step 1Discovery & Research

We start by getting to know your business, your goals, and your audience. This involves detailed research and planning to ensure that we understand your unique needs and can deliver a solution that meets them.

Step 2Strategy & Planning

We use detailed keyword research and competitive tools to audit your current website to develop a strategy that sets you apart from competitors.

Step 3Ideation

Our graphic design and web development teams work collaboratively to create a website that reflects your brand and engages your audience. We focus on creating a user-friendly experience with a bevy of design elements that drive results.

Step 4Implementation

Before launching your website, we conduct thorough testing to ensure that it functions correctly on all devices and browsers. Once we’re confident that everything is working perfectly, we launch your website.

Step 5Measurement & Reporting

After your website is live, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that it continues to perform at its best. Our team is always here to help with any issues or updates you may need.

Transform Your Website and Grow Your Business.

If you are ready to work with a web design company to move the needle in your business, let’s get started.

FAQs about Web Design & Web Development

Is web design equally as important as web development?

Yes, web design is equally as important as web development. A visually appealing and user-friendly design attracts visitors and encourages them to explore your site, while robust development ensures that the site operates smoothly and efficiently. Both elements are crucial for creating a successful online presence that engages users and meets business objectives.

Is web development very important today?

Absolutely. Web development is crucial in today’s digital age as it ensures that websites are functional, secure, and optimized for performance. With more businesses and consumers relying on the internet for information, services, and products, having a well-developed website is essential for reaching and engaging your target audience.

Why is web development a growing industry?

Web development is a growing industry due to the increasing reliance on digital platforms for business operations, marketing, and customer engagement. As technology advances and more people access the internet through various devices, the demand for dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites continues to rise. Additionally, the need for online security, e-commerce solutions, and interactive features drives the ongoing growth in web development.

How long on average does it take to design a website?

The time it takes to design a website can vary significantly based on the project’s complexity, the number of pages, and the specific features required. On average, designing a corporate website can take anywhere from 3 -6 months or for more complex enterprise sites a year or more. At MESH, we prioritize thorough planning and communication to ensure that the final product meets your expectations and business goals.

Website Design Work